Online teaching offered for some workshops.

Empowering courses and therapies for self-improvement, personal development and a career in holistic health, Priority Wellness offers something for everyone.

Powerful Healthcare Modalities that anyone can learn and use immediately

Therapies for self-help, personal development, careers in holistic health modalities.

Learn the body energy systems and simple but profound correcting techniques for you, your family, clients, friends.

All workshops offered by Colleen give a clear pathway and qualified credits to becoming a Registered Natural Health Practitioner and/or Instructor.


Touch For Health

Imagine also being able to help others improve their lives and enjoy the benefits you have already discovered.  Colleen is a fully qualified trainer and can train you to be a Kinesiologist Practitioner or Instructor.  The Touch of Health courses are ideal for [click to read more information...]

Colour For Life

Deep within we each know ourselves far better than any health professional. Colour helps us access this deep inner knowing which is beyond the conscious mind. In choosing and applying our colours we can access this deep level, raise our self- awareness, restore harmony, enabling [click to read more information...]

Soul Power Kinesiology

Learn how to use colour as a counselling tool and powerful remedy, to create harmony in life. Each colour relates to different emotions, to different aspects of the physical body, and to our deeper spiritual purpose in life. Selected colour combinations are interpreted to reveal underlying issues in one’s life, and the answers or response from deep inner knowing. Using kinesiology to enhance the colour therapy process. [click to read more information...]

The 12 Revealed Masters - A New Consciousness for this new Millennium

Tools for Awakening and Connecting with the deep frequency range of essences to help lift you to the Master Level of Consciousness.
A time to reflect that we are now experiencing a time of reconciliation and the pulling together of all that was good in the past and
creating New Foundations to build our future lives upon. [click to read more information...]

Touch for Health Intern BASIC and ADVANCED

These workshops are designed to bring all the practical elements of Touch for Health 1 & 2 (Intern Basic) and 3 & 4  (Intern Advanced) together in a supervised setting.

These Intern Workshops create confidence, hone skills and offer valuable credits towards a Professional Kinesiologist and Teacher Training.. [click to read more information...]